Now, here's a record conflict that I had to edit to get the appearance changes in-line with ICW AI changes.

Since they are just textures and meshes, no big deal, I just have the Hoax version get priority placement. I don't use the particular Sky Haven Temple Merchants & More FULL ESP that modifies Delphine's stats/traits, but the base mod includes some simple facegen appearance related changes. Here's a simple conflict, I just chose which file I wanted to make the face changes: MO doesn't peek into the ESP file tables and see if a particular ESP is modifying the same in-game character, you need TES5Edit to do that for you. Facegen related files generally show up in the conflicts tab, but the records edits aren't going to show up there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't in MO show me when mods are overwriting each and the conflicts tab will allow me to select which mod wins?