I'm struggling to think of an example of a PSX game though that requires a disc swap at some point AND enables you to boot off different discs. If it was me (and I for some reason regularly needed to load different discs in the same m3u file) I would just create multiple M3U files with the disc I want to load being on the first line. Is it possible to load the m3u file with a variable to indicate which disk to load? Or am I regulated to pressing F8 or F6 once mednafen is started every single time? I was wondering what about outside of mednafen. I have read about pressing F8 and F6 to change the disks within mednafen. Use OS filesystem-level compression(should be fairly easy with NTFS on Windows, and you could do loopback mounts with SquashFS on Linux). Loading CD images from compressed archives is not currently supported. PSX games can be quite large when uncompressed and I would like to try and save space whenever I can.

How does one setup an m3u file so that it can locate the cue file within a zip folder. Does mednafen allow for disk selection when using an m3u file? While the m3u file works great, I cannot select which disk to load whenever I run the m3u.

Some psx games are multidisk (resident evil 2, Final fantasy 8, etc) which either requires I load each disk individually or I load them using an m3u file. My main question focuses on the m3u file and psx games. My end goal is to link them all to a front end (either attractmode or retroFE).

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